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NRG BAND - Rina Rina (English Version) - Video

Versioni ne anglisht i kenges "Rina Rina" te NRG Band, eshte realizuar po aq mire sa dhe origjinali ne shqip.Djemte duken se nuk kane problem me aksentin ne anglisht megjithese une 70% te kenges nuk e marr vesh çfare thone. Dua te them; pershtatja ne melodi eshte shume ne rregulll,por nuk kuptohet se çfare thone.Mund te jete japonisht e une as qe mund ta kem idene se çfare thone. Ate fragmentin "I'm mad about cha" (Really?! CHA? Really!!! Where did you guys learn English in Minnesota, cos' I have to tell you, it doesn't make much sense, but hey,your song! ) e mora vesh pjesen tjeter...yes yes ....ohhhh yes!

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