Suedia fiton Eurovision 2012 - Rona pozicionohet ne vend te 5

Rona Nishliu ka arritur te pozicionoje Shqiperine ne vendin e peste ne edicionin e Eurovisionit per 2012. Kjo do te thote, qe vitin e ardhshem prezantuesi shqiptar do te shkoj ne finale pa patur nevoje te konkuroje ne netet gjysem finale. Ishte nje interpretim perfekt i Rona Nishliut, te cilem ne e mbeshtetem dhe besuam ne kete fitore te sajen qe nga dita e pare ne Festivalin e Kenges ne RTVSH. Suksese Rona e te urojme nje karriere sa me te gjate e me te suksesshme!


  1. ku e more vesh ti qe shqiperia nuk do konkuroj ne semi finale vitin tjeter

    keto jane shtetet qe nuk do kendojne ne semi quhen "big 5" por edhe vendi fitues pra

    uk franca italia spanja dhe gjermania jane te kualifikuara cdo vit fut ketu dhe vendin fitues ku e gjete ti mo qe shqiperia eshte e kualifikuar direkt per ne finale vitin tjeter ja fute kote ketu

  2. me ka ardhur keq kur kam lexuar neper forumet e eurovisionit dhe facebook akoma dhe youtube disa komentues kosovare duke thene se kosova ju coj ne vend te 5te kur te futet kosova do fitoj etj etj e duke share artistet shqiptare eshte per te ardhur keq :(

  3. 1-Ku e mora vesh une? Mos te dukemi gje si faqe Facebook qe shkruan kush ti doje qejfi? Ky eshte lajmi nese nuk e pranon, beson, blla blla blla shko bej google se aq te mjafton

    2-Idiotet nuk kane brire e as kombesi.Jane planet me vete i gjen ngado.Njerzit e zgjuar e te edukuar besoj se dine aq sa ti shmangen ketyre komenteve te bera nga adoleshente me laptop.

  4. she was by far, by FAR!!! the best in the eurovision that i have EVER seen in my nearly half a century of life. i've always found the whole eurovision thing to be cheesy and embarrassing, but it took about 2 seconds to realise rona's song was in absolutely another league. can't watch the performance without simultaneous exultation and tears. i love the fact that she had the courage to take her voice to the edge like that. it reminds me of dreams of singing; full of joy and wonder along with the pain of the song. i wish i could write to her to tell her this. if the blogger knows of an albanian contact for her would he please pass this on. that was something pure and precious beyond words. go rona! the fact that you didn't win was predictable and sad to see once again the mediocre triumph over the extraordinary. i watched the winner, but was completely underwhelmed. i'm sure it was fine, but so ordinary by comparison with the beautiful, ecstatic rona. brilliant dress and hair too by the way. altogether transcendent. if only our species were up to recognising such inspiration.

  5. Albaniac ne fakt rregullat e Eurovisionit kane ndryshuar...dhe nuk eshte me si dikur qe kush renditej ne top 5 shkonte direkt ne finale..tani jane 2 gjysemfinale...dhe direkt futen vetem shtetet e medha qe paguajne dhe per organizimin :)


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